Membership Vs. Subscription

Membership vs. Subscription— what’s the difference?? 

We’ve all see the new subscription feature recently released on instagram & i’ve gotten tons of questions about it. The most common, Does it replace a membership? The answer is no & here’s why.

  • Subscriptions are typically low-cost, high volume. They’re awesome for people who have large audiences and already create a good amount of content. The people who benefit most from subscriptions are people who’s job is actually content creation.

  • Subscriptions are designed for access to content, not necessarily the creator themselves or their expertise.

  • While they could absolutely be used as a sample/gateway into your membership, they’ll never replace the community, accountability, and education found in a Membership.

  • Membership always contains those 3 pillars and facilitate a FULL transformation, while Subscriptions are best used for quick tips or entertainment.

Samantha Harris