2023 is the Year of Exponential Income, Here's Why...

I think we can all agree, the best part about the 2020’s has been how much we’ve realized what we can & can’t live without. Many of us have caught on to the fact that we’ve been working A LOT. But it’s the internet age. Can’t something be done to help us out? To gain some of our time back? To “earn money while we sleep”. Sure, it can & there’s lots of ways to achieve that. But, depending on your personality style, your expertise, and how long you want said income source to last— you’ve got options. You can listen to the “Lam-Bros” (The guys who pose in front of Lamborghini’s they don’t own & talk a big game on the internet but really just moved out of their mom’s house) or you can lean into a long-term strategy that yields exponential income, while allowing you to utilize your expertise and build community. are you ready for it?

It’s Membership. I started my first Membership in 2018 & I had no idea what was in store & how it would change my life. I just wanted to make myself accessible to my clients who needed that latest strategy on IG & a helping hand creating their content. It became much more than I ever imagined and ended up quickly creating a full-time income stream inside my offer suite. Since then, I’ve helped many fellow entrepreneurs do the same— harness their expertise, create an exponential offer that’s widely accessible, and relive burn out.

My life is anything but conventional now (I retired my Husband in 2021 to live as a Digital Nomad & travel the country). We work less than 10 hours a week, between 2 businesses & we are so grateful for this life. But there’s no way we could do it without the Exponential Income Membership produces.

In 2023, we’re stepping it up & stepping into strategies that make sense for our time & money. Are you in?