How To Be More Authentic on Social Media

how to be more authentic on social media samantha harris auctus social

How To Be More Authentic on Social Media

I have a question— Why are you picking up your phone everyday and showing up online?

Is it because you feel like you have to do it as part of your daily business tasks? 
Is it because this is where your clients are and you need to show up for them? 
Is it because you want to truly cultivate connection with people?

Honestly, I want to know.

When I first started, it was a box on my to-do list. ✅ 
I also expected certain numbers, and was not showing up as authentically as I do now.

Consequently, it showed.

When I switched my goals to more connecting with people and less numbers, the numbers actually did what I wanted them to.

If you’re feeling like Instagram is an annoying box you’ve gotta check off each day, try switching your thinking, worrying about nothing but serving others and I’m willing to bet you’ll see some really positive changes in your results! 😉

📸 x Brian Calilung

Samantha Harris